Message From Director

Prof. P. N. Murthy
M.Pharm, Ph. D., D.Sc., F.I.C., C.C.
Royal College of Pharmacy and  Health Sciences,





It is a great privilege and honour for me to be a part of Royal College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Berhampur and to welcome you all to this highly reputed college that stands for discipline, quality and excellence in pharmaceutical education with emphasis on human values and ethical standards. The constant growth of pharmaceutical industry and profession on a global scale is a direct result of the rapid global development of science and technology. As a result of its relevance to meeting the health and environmental needs of humans, pharmacy profession is practically indispensable in all human settlements. Pharmaceutical technology is second only to information technology in terms of global market value.

Based on the demand and inspired by a deep desire to establish a model Pharmacy College in the State of Odisha, Royal Educational and Research Society sponsored Royal College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Berhampur in the year 2002. Decades of vast experience gained nationally and internationally by faculty members in academics, research, administration, hospitals and industry has been invested in establishing this college and therefore, the college earned a very good reputation in a short period of time.  Establishment of this college prompted  many other colleges in the region to improve their own standards and to promote the welfare of their staff members. The college, right from its inception took measures to provide the best possible facilities to its students and staff. It created the state of art infrastructure like well furnished, well equipped lecture halls, laboratories, library, tutorial halls, conference hall etc.  The lecture halls are ICT enabled and provided with LCD projectors, interactive display panels, Wi-Fi facilities  etc. All the laboratories are equipped with sophisticated instruments required for teaching and research.  Separate hostels for boys and girls are provided in the college campus. Highly qualified and experienced staff members contribute untiringly for the overall growth of the college and the welfare of the students. The management is ever willing to extend all possible support to take the institution to greater heights.  In its brief journey since 2002, the college has emerged as one of the leading pharmacy colleges with eminence. The college has been actively engaged in nurturing and fostering quality human resources to meet the needs of the industry and profession through proper teaching and training.  The college has been collaborating with several pharmaceutical industries to provide training to students and to explore research projects of mutual interest. The college has collaborations with a few hospitals for providing training to students on clinical aspects.

We, at Royal ensure that every student has the best possible education and experience required for all round development. Slow learners are provided additional care through tutorials and discussions and advanced learners are given coaching to appear at the competitive examinations like GPAT, PGAT and are encouraged to go for publication of research articles etc. In the journey, there are tough times and there are easier ones, but we work hard with unity. With coordinated efforts of our students, staff, parents, management and other stake holders we succeed in our efforts. The contributions of the faculty, staff members and management are responsible for the success of our vibrant Royal students who are ever willing to learn and perform.

The faculty members are encouraged to carry out research activities to educate and train the students and to generate ideas that will benefit society.  The modern drug treatment has changed diversely, making the pharmacist’s role more effective and needful. For a pharmacist, the priority is to provide a better health outcome for the community. We are making constant efforts to carry forward the strong foundation of the pharmaceutical field for the betterment of the human race.

The college maintains an academic friendly environment in its beautiful green campus. Environmental consciousness and sustainability are maintained in the campus through rain water harvesting, proper waste disposal methods, green practices etc. A roof top solar power plant is installed in the college which takes care part of the energy requirements in the campus. When students are exposed to all these facilities, they are bound to experience the benefits of environmental consciousness and contribute for it’s sustainability.ege

“Making a positive difference in the life of every student” is very important and we, at Royal strive hard to work in that direction. I look forward to see our students come out with flying colours and contribute immensely to make this world a better place to live. Those with an interest in a future in the pharmacy profession will find a welcoming environment at our college.

I convey my best wishes to all our students, faculty and staff to grow and excel in this challenging and competitive era and prosper in their personal and professional careers.

Best regards,
Prof. P. N. Murthy.